Sunday, December 20, 2009

Little things...

just wanted to make a quick comment on some little things that make life great.
  1. 9:00 church... one more week to go. we have been counting down. 1:00 is the worst.
  2. Hard wood floors... I have put awesome hard wook floors in our last two houses but we decided to wait on this one. with the kids being sick this week we have missed the hard wood floors.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Fishing Lunch Breaks

I dont know if i have mentioned it before but one of the greatest things about my job is that it is 3 blocks from the Provo River. When the weather was above freezing i would go on my lunch breaks about three times a week. At first i was just catching some white bass but then i figured out how to catch the trout. here are some pictures of what i have done. Most were taken on my cell phone so the pictures are not that great.

Posting Again...

I have lots of things that i want to write about and i think this is probably the best place to do it. Right now my daughter is just getting over the bad flu and my Son is in the middle of it. we are all short on sleep and have cleaned the carpets too many times in the last 5 days. I hope they get over it before Christmas.