Monday, March 24, 2008


Easter was a lot of fun. My sister and her two boys came and we colored eggs and did an easter egg hunt in our back yard after we were done painting. My sister had a great idea and let the kids each pick out a design of plastic egg and then those are the ones they find. no fighting, they each get the same amount of eggs. Brilliant!!! She she got some Tinker Bell and some Princess ones for Belly. Oh and if anyone is wondering why i dont use thier real names i have hear that you shouldnt for security reasons. I am probably being dumb but why not.

Everyone had a lot of fun and no major messes to clean up probably because we prepared for them. Belly's is currently in love with the color green as everything from her staws to her skirts to her easter eggs she is liking green.

I will put pictures up as soon as i get them off my camera.

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